Flexible in every respect
30 May 2018
Linde presents rental concept for lithium-ion batteries
Up to 30 percent lower energy consumption, high availability, easy handling and much more – lithium-ion technology provides a whole host of advantages for use in intralogistics. On top of all that, Linde Material Handling now offers a flexible battery rental concept which ensures that customers are on the safe side, both technically and economically.
Flexible solutions are a must for all dynamic industrial sectors. For example, logistics specialists are regularly faced with the challenge of adapting their forklift and warehouse equipment fleets to changing conditions on site. This is precisely where the new lithium-ion rental concept from Linde Material Handling comes into play: “No matter whether our customers buy, lease or rent the equipment they need: In future, they will also be easily able to rent lithium-ion batteries,” says Jürgen Kupka, Financial Services Sales Support at Linde. “The greatest possible flexibility and economic security over the entire service life make starting to use this new technology even more attractive.”
Every rental contract is preceded by an analysis of the customer’s individual needs. The rental price depends on the expected usage and the required battery capacity. Operators benefit from the fact that the battery investments are based on energy consumption and are divided into monthly instalments. If the operating hours tot up to more or fewer than originally estimated, the contract can be adjusted accordingly. The latter also applies if the underlying conditions on site change over time. If the company needs a smaller or larger battery version, for example, the Linde network partner simply exchanges the original battery for a different sized one.
Another major advantage of the lithium-ion rental concept is the Linde performance guarantee. Customers can rely on the energy storage system functioning perfectly throughout the entire term of contract. As part of the rental agreement, the respective authorized Linde network partner takes care of maintenance and servicing as well as the take-back at the end of the rental period.

The flexible battery rental concept offered by Linde Material Handling ensures that customers are on the safe side, both technically and economically.
As with all rental concepts, customers can benefit from technical progress at the end of the contract. Financing expert Jürgen Kupka: “Lithium-ion technology will most probably see further improvements during the next few years. Our rental concept allows fleet operators to benefit from such improvements on a timely basis, while Linde and its network partners take charge of marketing the second and third lives of the battery.”
“With our newer forklift models, we even offer our customers the option of retrofitting a lithium-ion battery,” adds Jürgen Kupka. “Conversely, forklifts supplied with lithium-ion batteries can be switched back to the lead-acid version at any time and the rental battery be returned prematurely. This ensures a high level of investment security and shows just how convinced we are of this innovative technology.”
In Germany, the rental concept has just been launched on the market, other countries are successively following suit.