All Linde Material Handling dates
Are you interested in the high-performance products and innovative solutions offered by Linde Material Handling? If so, the best way to find out more is to meet us in person. You can find all of the upcoming dates and events where you can meet us below: From trade fairs and conferences to training courses through to our own in-house industry events. We look forward to seeing you!
Linde Events: Come meet us
Linde has been organizing and hosting large industry-wide events for many years now. This includes the annual StaplerCup, which has now made a name for itself outside the intralogistics sector as the world championship for forklift drivers. In addition to that, every two years, we welcome professionals from all over the world to our in-house trade fair, World of Material Handling. Our Masterpieces Live roadshow also visits many different locations in Germany, bringing our innovations direct to you.
Linde at Trade Fairs and Conferences
Linde will be attending all the key industry trade fairs and conferences and presenting its latest intralogistics innovations. Here, you can see an overview of the events you can find us at and what topics we will be putting the spotlight on.
Training and Webinars by Linde
Trained drivers are essential for safety and productivity in everyday warehouse operations. For this reason, Linde’s national organizations and distributors offer a wide range of training and development opportunities for various industrial trucks, as well as training relating to everyday intralogistics work. The training sessions can be delivered to you directly on-site, at the premises of your Linde Service partner, or in the form of a webinar.
Media Library

WoMH 2022
Our highlight video takes a quick tour of the trade fair and summarizes the highlights from the two weeks of WoMH 2022.

StaplerCup 2021 Highlights
Thirteen company teams, 12 women and 24 men all united by a common goal: To become German champions! The first ever indoor StaplerCup, held at the f.a.n. frankenstolz arena in Aschaffenburg, provided thrilling action and moments of pure drama leaving you with goosebumps.

Masterpieces Live 2021
At the Masterpieces Live roadshow in July 2021, customers all over Germany had the chance to experience the latest Linde products and take a test drive on site. Watch the video for highlights.